Ketamine for CRPS in Frisco, TX

The CRPS Relief You've Been Searching For in Frisco, TX

Are you looking for complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) treatment in Frisco, TX? At KDI Health, our providers have experience treating pain conditions, psychiatric disorders, and addiction with innovative treatments like ketamine infusion therapy. Contact us today to learn how we can help you find relief.

What Are the Symptoms of CRPS?

CRPS shows up in many ways for different individuals, but the most commonly reported symptoms include:

  • Continuous burning or throbbing pain, normally in the hands, feet, arms, or legs, sometimes referred to as “pins and needles”
  • Swelling of the injured or painful area
  • Decreased mobility to move the affected area
  • Sensitivity to cold or touch
  • Changes to the skin and nail beds

Ketamine Infusions for CRPS Treatment

Over the past 50 years, ketamine’s role in health has evolved dramatically. What was once primarily a surgical sedative has become an invaluable resource for various physical and mental issues, known both for its transformative power and immediate results.

Traditional medications like antidepressants can take months to start working. Ketamine therapy, on the other hand, offers patients relief quickly, with some individuals reporting relief within a few hours of their first infusion session.

How Does Ketamine Help Treat CRPS?

Mounting evidence continues to show that ketamine helps with CRPS. There is still much to be understood about how ketamine alleviates CRPS. Scientists tend to focus on ketamine’s ability to boost the activity of glutamate, a neurotransmitter found throughout the central nervous system. This heightened glutamate activity allows new pathways to form in areas of the brain associated with memory, learning, and mood regulation. Importantly, heightened glutamate corresponds with the inhibition of NMDA receptors which are associated with the physical experience of pain.  Researchers are starting to see that the positive effects of many antidepressants may be a result of regulating glutamate, although less directly than ketamine. Because of this indirect process, SSRIs and tricyclic antidepressants often take weeks to start improving symptoms of CRPS, if they do at all. Ketamine often produces results and relief from CRPS symptoms during the first session.

Where Will I Receive My Ketamine Infusions?

We strive to ensure all of our patients feel as comfortable as possible in their private rooms during treatment, with care administered by empathetic and exceptional medical professionals.

You will always remain in a safe atmosphere with our attentive team available to monitor you and enhance your therapeutic experience during your infusion.

Is Ketamine Treatment the Right Solution for You?

Are you ready to take back control of your life? Are you tired of trying one medication after the other only to be left with the same symptoms? Then ketamine infusions might be an excellent option for you.

Our expert providers can walk you through everything you need to know to make a well-informed decision and find relief from these symptoms in a safe and welcoming environment. Contact us at KDI Health today to get started.